MS Strings Copy

Welcome to Middle School Strings

When we participate in an orchestra, we become part of something much greater than ourselves. We are all connected to one another and all of our actions implicate not only us personally but everyone else in some indirect way. An orchestra reveals to how true this is and how important it is to learn to work together. Great music can only happen when collaboration, musical skill, and attentive listening unite.

The part I love the most about being a music teacher is watching my students struggle, problem solve, support, encourage, create, laugh, cry and come together in union at concerts. There is no greater feeling than to watch this development and to be part of it in some small way. I have the best job in the world.

Some notes for new parents and students:

Before each big concert we usually have 2 after school rehearsals. Rehearsals are critical and each student is marked for attendance during these rehearsals. Students will be exempt from their sports activity or club unless they have a game, however Mrs Pelletier must be notified by the student by email. If there are any other extenuating reasons for absence, please also email and we will consider each situation separately. If your child has a club or a sport that they are missing, they must email their coach or teacher out of courtesy. Middle school is the beginning of teaching Ownership, Responsibility and Conflict Resolution.

If your child needs a tie, you can still purchase one from Mrs. Pelletier for 10$.

Information about Concert dress can be found to the left of this home page.

Thank you,

Mrs. Pelletier